I'm having the following situation:
In a cross platform rendering library for iOS and Android (written in c(++)), i have two threads that each need their own EGLContext: Thread A is the main thread; it renders to the Window. Thread B is a generator thread, that does various calculations and renders the results into textures that are later used by thread A.
Since i can't use EGL on iOS, the library uses function pointers to static Obj.-C functions to create a new context and set it current. This already works, i create the context for thread A using
EAGLContext *contextA = [[EAGLContext alloc] initWithAPI:kEAGLRenderingAPIOpenGLES2];
The context for thread B is created using
EAGLContext *contextB = [[EAGLContext alloc] initWithAPI:kEAGLRenderingAPIOpenGLES2 sharegroup:[contextA sharegroup]];
I can then set either of the two current:
[EAGLContext setCurrentContext:context];
To use the same logic (function pointers passed to the library) on Android, i want to do this in the C side of the JNI bindings, this time using real EGL instead of Apple's EAGL. I can easily create contextA using a WindowSurface and the native Window, i can create contextB and pass contextA to the shareContext parameter of the eglCreateContext call.
But when i want to make contextB current, i have to pass a surface to the eglMakeCurrent call, and i'm trying to figure out what kind of surface to pass there.
I don't understand what Munshi, Ginsurg and Shreiner mean by that sentence, how would a framebuffer object be a replacement for a pbuffer surface? What if I create a very small (say 1x1px) pbuffer surface to make the context current - can i then still render into arbitrarily large FBOs? Are there any other possibilities I'm not yet aware of?
Thanks a lot for your help!
I ended up using a PBuffer surface (sized 1x1) - i then create an FBO and render into textures just fine. For displaying them (in a different thread and a different (shared) opengl context), i use a windowsurface with an ANativeWindow (there's a sample of that somewhere in the sdk).