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Using different ide's for javascript/java

I'm working on a project that has mix of angularjs/java . I like Eclipse for working with Java but find that its javascript/jQuery/AngularJS support is somewhat lacking. I've been using jetbrains webstorm for learning AngularJS and find that its a really nice tool for javascript/jQuery/AngularJS development. This is fine for proof of concepts etc but there will come a time when want to use Java / with Webstorm.

I'm aware there is a Webstorm plugin for Intellij but I cannot change from current Eclipse IDE .

A possible solution would be to create a new project that contains just AngualarJS/jQuery code and manage this using webstorm and continue to use Eclipse for java related projects.

Are there project setup's to handle this type of problem - use two IDE's to separately manage different source code languages ?


  • You can continue to use Eclipse and install angularjs-eclipse, see .

    There is also JSDT jQuery but I cannot tell its status.

    So ideally you can set-up the same project in both IDEs and selected features that works the best.