Search code examples

Segue With NSUserDefaults + NSCoder Object

- (void)prepareForSegue:(UIStoryboardSegue *)segue sender:(id)sender {
     if ([[segue identifier] isEqualToString:@"ShowWordDetailsTwo"]) {
        NSIndexPath *indexPath = nil;
        Words *word = nil;
        indexPath = [self.tableView indexPathForSelectedRow];
        word = [myFavsTwo objectAtIndex:indexPath.row];

         DetailsViewController *destViewController = segue.destinationViewController;
         destViewController.word = word;

I'm getting a crash on segue -- breakpoint at:

     destViewController.word = word;

but if I "continue" on my debugger everything will work as normal -- the app just seems to be getting hung up on this line...

I think it's got to do with my object being part of NSUserDefaults with NSCoder...

how can I make it so that the app doesn't crash?!

I'm not getting any error message just a break point error


  • Just clarifying,

    Did you create the breakpoint yourself, or was it autocreated by the debugger?

    Try disabling the breakpoint to see if it works.