After going through this question I tried to implement Dancing Links to solve only the exact cover problem, following is the code taken from here and modified (It is Column-Row structure, I needed Row-Column strucuture). It works fine except that it never reaches the successful termination block in the Search
function, I tried to trace and found that this
RowNode = Column->Down ; RowNode!=Column ; RowNode = RowNode->Down
is causing it. Example : for the following matrix
1 2 3 4
1 1 x x
x 1 1 x
x x 1 1
my code fails to cover
the last column with Header=4
How can I overcome this? Here is the complete code
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <cstdio>
#include <stdbool.h>
#define MAX_ROW 50L
#define MAX_COL 100L
using namespace std;
struct str_node {
struct str_node * Header;
struct str_node * Left;
struct str_node * Right;
struct str_node * Up;
struct str_node * Down;
int HeaderID,RowIndex,ColIndex;
int nCol;
int nRow;
struct str_node Matrix[MAX_ROW][MAX_COL];
vector<struct str_node*>ResultRow;
struct str_node Root;
struct str_node *RootNode = &Root;
bool Data[MAX_ROW][MAX_COL];
int maxResult;
//functions to get the neighbours (are circular)
inline int dataLeft(int i) { return (i-1 < 0) ? nCol-1 : i-1 ; }
inline int dataRight(int i) { return (i+1) % nCol ; }
inline int dataUp(int i) { return (i-1 < 0) ? nRow-1 : i-1 ; }
inline int dataDown(int i) { return (i+1) % nRow ; }
void CreateToroidalMatrix(void) {
int a,b, i, j;
for(a = 0 ; a <= nRow ; a++) {
for(b=0 ; b < nCol ; b++) {
if(Data[a][b]) {
Matrix[a][b].RowIndex = a;
Matrix[a][b].ColIndex = b;
// Left pointer
i = a; j = b; do {j = dataLeft(j); } while (!Data[i][j]);
Matrix[a][b].Left = &Matrix[i][j];
// Right pointer
i = a; j = b; do {j = dataRight(j); } while (!Data[i][j]);
Matrix[a][b].Right = &Matrix[i][j];
// Up pointer
i = a; j = b; do {i = dataUp(i); } while (!Data[i][j]);
Matrix[a][b].Up = &Matrix[i][j];
// Down pointer
i = a; j = b; do {i = dataDown(i); } while (!Data[i][j]);
Matrix[a][b].Down = &Matrix[i][j];
//Head pointer
Matrix[a][b].Header = &Matrix[0][b];
Matrix[a][b].HeaderID = b+1;
//Initialize root
RootNode->Right = &Matrix[0][0];
RootNode->Left = &Matrix[0][nCol-1];
Matrix[0][0].Left = RootNode;
Matrix[0][nCol-1].Right = RootNode;
void Cover(struct str_node *ColNode){
cout<<"Covering header node "<<ColNode->HeaderID<<'\n';
struct str_node *RowNode, *RightNode;
ColNode->Right->Left = ColNode->Left;
ColNode->Left->Right = ColNode->Right;
for(RowNode = ColNode->Down ; RowNode!=ColNode ; RowNode = RowNode->Down) {
for(RightNode = RowNode->Right ; RightNode!=RowNode ; RightNode = RightNode->Right) {
RightNode->Up->Down = RightNode->Down;
RightNode->Down->Up = RightNode->Up;
void UnCover(struct str_node *ColNode) {
//uncover the covered nodes to find a different solution
struct str_node *RowNode, *LeftNode;
for(RowNode = ColNode->Up; RowNode!=ColNode; RowNode = RowNode->Up) {
for(LeftNode = RowNode->Left; LeftNode!=RowNode; LeftNode = LeftNode->Left) {
LeftNode->Up->Down = LeftNode;
LeftNode->Down->Up = LeftNode;
ColNode->Right->Left = ColNode;
ColNode->Left->Right = ColNode;
void Search(int k){
//all columns covered
if( RootNode->Right == RootNode){
if(maxResult < k)
maxResult = k;
//if not covered
struct str_node *Column = RootNode->Right;
struct str_node *RowNode;
struct str_node *RightNode;
struct str_node *LeftNode;
for( RowNode = Column->Down ; RowNode!=Column ; RowNode = RowNode->Down){
for(RightNode = RowNode->Right; RightNode!=RowNode; RightNode = RightNode->Right)
RowNode = ResultRow.back();
Column = RowNode->Header;
for(LeftNode = RowNode->Left; LeftNode!=RowNode; LeftNode = LeftNode->Left)
void GetData(void){
int pos,k;
scanf("%d%d",&nCol, &nRow);
for(int i=0 ; i<nCol ; i++)
Data[0][i] = true;
for(int i=1 ; i<=nRow ; i++){
for(int j=0 ; j<k ; j++){
Data[i][pos-1] = true;
int main(void){
Search(0); // from level 0
return 0;
Ok I went through the source code again and found the bug, forgot to increment the nRow
in GetData(void)
. These tiny bugs are creepy! So here are the modified parts of the code, now it works perfectly. nRow
must be increased once because I use an extra row for the Header
of each column.
void GetData(void){
int pos,k;
scanf("%d%d",&nCol, &nRow);
nRow++;//this is the change
for(int i=0 ; i<nCol ; i++)
Data[0][i] = true;
for(int i=1 ; i<nRow ; i++){
for(int j=0 ; j<k ; j++){
Data[i][pos-1] = true;
and this loop in CreateToroidalMatrix()
for(a=0 ; a<nRow ; a++) // removed equal sign
Since nRow was one less than it should've been, the inline functions used to get the neighbours, specifically dataUp()
and dataDown()
returned unexpected values.