Search code examples

Exact cover using Dancing Links

After going through this question I tried to implement Dancing Links to solve only the exact cover problem, following is the code taken from here and modified (It is Column-Row structure, I needed Row-Column strucuture). It works fine except that it never reaches the successful termination block in the Search function, I tried to trace and found that this

RowNode = Column->Down ; RowNode!=Column ; RowNode = RowNode->Down

is causing it. Example : for the following matrix

1 2 3 4
1 1 x x
x 1 1 x
x x 1 1

my code fails to cover the last column with Header=4

How can I overcome this? Here is the complete code

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <cstdio>
#include <stdbool.h>

#define MAX_ROW 50L
#define MAX_COL 100L

using namespace std;

struct str_node {
    struct str_node * Header;
    struct str_node * Left;
    struct str_node * Right;
    struct str_node * Up;
    struct str_node * Down;
    int HeaderID,RowIndex,ColIndex;

int nCol;
int nRow;
struct str_node Matrix[MAX_ROW][MAX_COL];
vector<struct str_node*>ResultRow;
struct str_node Root;
struct str_node *RootNode = &Root;
bool Data[MAX_ROW][MAX_COL];
int maxResult;

//functions to get the neighbours (are circular)
inline int dataLeft(int i) { return (i-1 < 0) ? nCol-1 : i-1 ; }
inline int dataRight(int i) { return (i+1) % nCol ; }
inline int dataUp(int i) { return (i-1 < 0) ? nRow-1 : i-1 ; }
inline int dataDown(int i) { return (i+1) % nRow ; }

void CreateToroidalMatrix(void) {

    int a,b, i, j;

    for(a = 0 ; a <= nRow ; a++) {

        for(b=0 ; b < nCol ; b++) {

            if(Data[a][b]) {

                Matrix[a][b].RowIndex = a;
                Matrix[a][b].ColIndex = b;

                // Left pointer
                i = a; j = b; do {j = dataLeft(j); } while (!Data[i][j]);
                Matrix[a][b].Left = &Matrix[i][j];

                // Right pointer
                i = a; j = b; do {j = dataRight(j); } while (!Data[i][j]);
                Matrix[a][b].Right = &Matrix[i][j];

                // Up pointer
                i = a; j = b; do {i = dataUp(i); } while (!Data[i][j]);
                Matrix[a][b].Up = &Matrix[i][j];

                // Down pointer
                i = a; j = b; do {i = dataDown(i); } while (!Data[i][j]);
                Matrix[a][b].Down = &Matrix[i][j];

                //Head pointer
                Matrix[a][b].Header = &Matrix[0][b];
                Matrix[a][b].HeaderID = b+1;


    //Initialize root
    RootNode->Right = &Matrix[0][0];
    RootNode->Left = &Matrix[0][nCol-1];
    Matrix[0][0].Left = RootNode;
    Matrix[0][nCol-1].Right = RootNode;

void Cover(struct str_node *ColNode){

    cout<<"Covering header node "<<ColNode->HeaderID<<'\n';

    struct str_node *RowNode, *RightNode;

    ColNode->Right->Left = ColNode->Left;
    ColNode->Left->Right = ColNode->Right;

    for(RowNode = ColNode->Down ; RowNode!=ColNode ; RowNode = RowNode->Down) {
        for(RightNode = RowNode->Right ; RightNode!=RowNode ; RightNode = RightNode->Right) {
            RightNode->Up->Down = RightNode->Down;
            RightNode->Down->Up = RightNode->Up;

void UnCover(struct str_node *ColNode) {
    //uncover the covered nodes to find a different solution
    struct str_node *RowNode, *LeftNode;

    for(RowNode = ColNode->Up; RowNode!=ColNode; RowNode = RowNode->Up) {
        for(LeftNode = RowNode->Left; LeftNode!=RowNode; LeftNode = LeftNode->Left) {
            LeftNode->Up->Down = LeftNode;
            LeftNode->Down->Up = LeftNode;
    ColNode->Right->Left = ColNode;
    ColNode->Left->Right = ColNode;

void Search(int k){

    //all columns covered

    if( RootNode->Right == RootNode){
        if(maxResult < k)
            maxResult = k;

    //if not covered

        struct str_node *Column = RootNode->Right;
        struct str_node *RowNode;
        struct str_node *RightNode;
        struct str_node *LeftNode;


        for( RowNode = Column->Down ; RowNode!=Column ; RowNode = RowNode->Down){


            for(RightNode = RowNode->Right; RightNode!=RowNode; RightNode = RightNode->Right)

            RowNode = ResultRow.back();
            Column = RowNode->Header;

            for(LeftNode = RowNode->Left; LeftNode!=RowNode; LeftNode = LeftNode->Left)

void GetData(void){
    int pos,k;
    scanf("%d%d",&nCol, &nRow);

    for(int i=0 ; i<nCol ; i++)
        Data[0][i] = true;

    for(int i=1 ; i<=nRow ; i++){
        for(int j=0 ; j<k ; j++){
            Data[i][pos-1] = true;

int main(void){
    Search(0); // from level 0
    return 0;


  • Ok I went through the source code again and found the bug, forgot to increment the nRow in GetData(void). These tiny bugs are creepy! So here are the modified parts of the code, now it works perfectly. nRow must be increased once because I use an extra row for the Header of each column.

    void GetData(void){
        int pos,k;
        scanf("%d%d",&nCol, &nRow);
        nRow++;//this is the change
        for(int i=0 ; i<nCol ; i++)
            Data[0][i] = true;
        for(int i=1 ; i<nRow ; i++){
            for(int j=0 ; j<k ; j++){
                Data[i][pos-1] = true;

    and this loop in CreateToroidalMatrix()

    for(a=0 ; a<nRow ; a++) // removed equal sign

    Since nRow was one less than it should've been, the inline functions used to get the neighbours, specifically dataUp() and dataDown() returned unexpected values.