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Am I allowed to use an open source Spritz clone in my app?

The Spritz technology generated a lot of buzz on the internet recently, and I'd like to incorporate that technology into my app. People have already open sourced it here:

I am wondering if the fact that its GPLv3 licensed means I'm good to go, even commercially.

I understand that I'm not receiving legal advice from you guys.

EDIT: Based on OpenSpritz:


  • If the original software was GPLv3 and someone randomly stamped Apache 2.0 on a derived work, the GPLv3 will govern.

    The GPL is infinitely more restrictive, it requires you to make source code available for any derived work, allow others to copy your work and distribute -- basically you don't own your code any more, the public does -- you are merely the steward. As Steve Balmer described [Linux's GNU GLP], "it is a cancer that attaches itself in an intellectual property sense to everything it touches" -- can't think of a better way to say it.

    Apache 2.0 on the other hand is permissive. You can use the code, put in your program, use it commercially, and not have to provide the source code when someone requests. In short, if your doing anything commercial, don't touch anything GPL, but Apache 2.0 fine.

    More info: (someone posted a nice chart there.)