I need a little help. Because preg_replace is deprecated, I have to convert all my preg_replace to preg_replace_callback...
function parse_bb_tpl ($part, $args)
// just a replace, with evaluation...
return preg_replace (
"isset (\$args['\\1']) ? \$args['\\1'] : '';",
Casimir is correct ... it is the e
modifier that is being depricated. preg_replace_callback
is pretty cool, though. Basically, you just make a function that gets fed the matches and use that for doing the evaluation.
$string = 'The bat is batty in the bathroom';
$string = preg_replace_callback('/bat/', 'cool_function', $string);
print $string;
function cool_function($matches) {
return '<b>'.$matches[0].'</b>';
That outputs this:
The <b>bat</b> is <b>bat</b>ty in the <b>bat</b>hroom