I am trying to create an instance of a generic class but my Type T of the generic class, i have gone through this link http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/w3f99sx1(v=vs.110).aspx but i couldn't find what i was looking for
i have this code
public class MyClass<T>
public T prop { get; set; }
and i have the type stored in string the type
string typeString = "System.String";
now i want to use this type in myclass this way
Type xt = new Type.GetType(typeString);
MyClass<xt> obj = new MyClass<xt>();
but that just unidentified type xt so what do i do!
The section Constructing an Instance of a Generic Type in the link provided covers this exact case.
In your case you would need write
Type typeArgument = Type.GetType(typestring);
Type constructed = typeof(MyClass<>).MakeGenericType(typeArgument);
object instance = Activator.CreateInstance(constructed);
However, the use cases of this techniques are far from common. You should try as much as possible to provide type information at compile-time. That is, try not to rely on Reflection to create your objects. Generics methods are especially useful for such cases.