I have the following XML
Need a table as follows
Name Legs
Dog 4
Cat 4
Monkey 2
How do I do it in SQL? All the other questions I found on this topic had their XML structured differently. For e.g. if the XML was structured as below, I believe it is straightforward to parse it in XML using nodes()
You could generate a index for each row in both sets, then join on that:
declare @xml xml
set @xml =
-- create a table of the animals with an index generated by an identity
declare @animals table(n tinyint not null identity(1, 1), animal nvarchar(50) not null)
insert @animals (animal)
a.n.value('.', 'nvarchar(50)')
@xml.nodes('/creatures/Animals/Name') a(n)
-- create a table of the leg amounts with an index generated by an identity
declare @legs table(n tinyint not null identity(1, 1), amount tinyint not null)
insert @legs (amount)
nl.l.value('.', 'tinyint')
@xml.nodes('/creatures/NumLegs/Legs') nl(l)
-- bring together the 2 tables based on the index
a.animal, l.amount
@animals a
join @legs l
on a.n = l.n