I have constants id coming from database and i am displaying them in my CGridView using following code
'name' => 'deleted',
'value' => '$data->deleted == 1 ? "Yes" : "No"',//like this
Now when i search through CGridview, it only searches by number i.e 1 or 2. I need to search by Yes or No. Is it possible?
Supposing your model is User and you are displaying that table's CGridView, in the UserController get your parameter like this :-
$value = $_GET['User']['deleted'];
if($value == 'Yes' || $value == 'yes'){
$model->setAttribute('deleted', 1);
if($value == 'No' || $value == 'no'){
$model->setAttribute('deleted', 0);
Using this you can search the field 'deleted' by 'Yes' or 'No'
Update :-
You can use the following code to have a dropdown menu as filters in CGridView
$filter = array(
'0' => 'No',
'1' => 'Yes'
'name' => 'deleted',
'value' => '$data->deleted == 1 ? "Yes" : "No"',
'filter' => $filter
This will give you a dropdown with filters specified in the array.