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Osmbonuspack: show name of Marker on the map

Using the nice / new osmbonuspack package:

Is there a way to show the name (or title) of the Marker immediately on the Map?

So, without tapping the Marker.


  • Thank you, MKer, for extending the class.

    Below, this is my implementation showing text on the Map. Hope this helps others.

    public class MarkerWithLabel extends Marker {
    Paint textPaint = null; 
    String mLabel = null; 
    public MarkerWithLabel(MapView mapView, String label) {
        super( mapView);
        mLabel = label; 
        textPaint = new Paint();
        textPaint.setColor( Color.RED);
    public void draw( final Canvas c, final MapView osmv, boolean shadow) {
        draw( c, osmv); 
    public void draw( final Canvas c, final MapView osmv) {
        super.draw( c, osmv, false); 
        Point p = this.mPositionPixels;  // already provisioned by Marker
        c.drawText( mLabel, p.x, p.y+20, textPaint); 

    In the code you could add:

    marker = new MarkerWithLabel( mv, label);
    marker.setTitle( label); 