I am new to Applescript. I have one specific email account that exists solely for the purpose receiving error reports with an attached image. The mailbox can fill up quickly.
I'd like to be able to run a script that will delete mail older than two days, so I tried my hand at the following script.
I'd like to correct what I have written so I can learn from my mistakes rather that use a different method. Looking for some constructive criticism:
set daysToPreserve to 2
tell application "Mail"
set mailboxList to mailbox "INBOX" of account “MyAccount"
repeat with theCurrentMailbox in mailboxList
set emailList to (every message of (mailbox theCurrentMailbox of account “MyAccount") whose date received is less than or equal to ((current date) - daysToPreserve * days))
if (count mailboxList) is greater than 0 then
move mailboxList to mailbox "Trash" of account “MyAccount"
end if
end repeat
end tell
display dialog "Old Mail Messages Have Been Purged" buttons ["OK"]
You put 1 item into a repeat block with this:
set mailboxList to mailbox "INBOX" of account “MyAccount"
repeat with theCurrentMailbox in mailboxList
You can try something like this:
set daysToPreserve to 2
set myAcount to "MyAccount"
set dateReference to (current date) - (daysToPreserve * days)
tell application "Mail"
set myMailbox to mailbox "INBOX" of account myAcount
set accountTrash to mailbox "Trash" of account myAcount
set messagesToDelete to messages of myMailbox whose date received ≤ dateReference
repeat with aMessage in messagesToDelete
move aMessage to accountTrash
end repeat
end tell
display dialog (count messagesToDelete) & " old Mail Messages Have Been Purged" as text buttons ["OK"]