I have an advanced mysql query already. Filtering the results by user favorited uploads, search keywords and date range.
Now I need to add another ordering ontop of this. I want to order this whole thing by most favorites. Most favorites are calculated by counting the occurence of the upload_ids in the favorites table. It should be ordered by most favorites, last_update.
I have looked into the COUNT() element for mysql query, but it's hard to understand how I get it in this already advanced statement construct... Also because the most favorite thing goes on in another table.
I have three mysql tables: + user (id,date,user,pass) + uploads (id,user_id,date,last_update,description,tags,online_state) + favorites (id,date,user_id,upload_id)
$query = 'SELECT * FROM uploads WHERE online_state = 1';//select all online uploads
//FILTER FAVORITES //$favorites_ids are the favorites of the logged in user, being queried in another statement
if ($upload_display_sort == 'favorites')
$query .= ' AND id IN ('.implode(',', $favorites_ids).')';//returns 1,2,3,4,5
if ( isset($_GET['tags']) )
$query .= ' AND MATCH (description,tags) AGAINST ("'.urldecode($_GET['tags']).'")';
if ( isset($_GET['timeframe'])
and ( $_GET['timeframe'] == '3days'
or $_GET['timeframe'] == '2weeks'
or $_GET['timeframe'] == '3months') )
$end_date = time();//current time in unix format
switch ( $_GET['timeframe'] )
case '3days': $start_date = strtotime('-3 days',$end_date); break;
case '2weeks': $start_date = strtotime('-2 weeks',$end_date); break;
case '3months': $start_date = strtotime('-3 months',$end_date); break;
default: $start_date = strtotime(''); break;//1970-01-01 01:00:00
$end_date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $end_date);//current time in mysql format
$start_date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $start_date);//end time in mysql format
$query .= ' AND last_update BETWEEN "'.$start_date.'" AND "'.$end_date.'"';
If I understand correctly, you need to count the number of favorites per upload id. You can do this with an aggregation and join:
FROM uploads u left outer join
(select upload_id, count(*) as num
from favorites f
group by upload_id
) f
on u.id = f.upload_id
WHERE online_state = 1
Then, at the end of your query, add:
ORDER BY f.num desc
to get the ordering that you want. Note that the order of SQL statements is important, so the order by
has to go after the where