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How to add new word to speech dictionary on windows 7 using C#

I need to add thousands of new words to speech dictionary on windows 7 by visual studio from an input file to use in windows' native speech recognition. is it possible? Should I use Microsoft Speech API (SAPI) 5.4 ? If so help me with that. thanks.


  • You can't do that with the System.Speech.Recognition library; you have to use the speechlib automation interface.

    Once you've got a reference to speechlib in your project, you can add pronunciations using the AddPronunciation method like this:

    static void AddPronunciations()
        SpLexicon lex = new SpeechLib.SpLexicon();
        long langid = Thread.CurrentCulture.LCID;
        lex.AddPronunciation("word", langid);