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INSERT Data From One Table Into Multiple Tables

I'm using SQL Server 2005.

I am migrating data over from a current database (single table) to a new database (normalized - many tables). In the new database, I have a base table (let's call it "BaseTable"), and multiple other tables (let's call them "DependentA", and "DependentB"). Some of the data from the old database will go to BaseTable, and some will go to the other two. BaseTable has a one-to-one relationship with both DependentA and DependentB, using the Id of them as the foreign key.

So here's my question. How should I migrate the data over? Here is a query I've been trying, which is working except for one thing: the foreign keys in BaseTable for the other two are identical, instead or having a different one each.

Begin SQL:


DECLARE @dep1Id int

DECLARE @dep2Id int

INSERT INTO DependentA (column1, column2)
SELECT c1, c2
FROM OldDatabase.OldTable
SELECT @dep1Id = Scope_Identity()

INSERT INTO DependentB (column3, column4)
SELECT c3, c4
FROM OldDatabase.OldTable
SELECT @dep2Id = Scope_Identity()

INSERT INTO BaseTable (column5, dependentTable1Id, dependentTablr2Id)
SELECT c5, @dep1Id, @dep2Id
FROM OldDatabase.OldTable



  • The problem is that @dep1Id and @dep1Id are scalar and are retaining the last value only from the two set based inserts.

    Since it's a one off you should probably do it as a cursor

    SELECT c1,c2,c3,c4,c5 FROM OldDatebase
    open @curs
    fetch next from @curs into
    @c1,@c2,@c3,@c4,@c5 --declare these!
    while @@fetch_status <> 0
    INSERT INTO DependentA (column1, column2) VALUES @c1, @c2
    SELECT @dep1Id = Scope_Identity()
    INSERT INTO DependentB (column3, column4) VALUES @c3, @c4 
    SELECT @dep2Id = Scope_Identity()
    INSERT INTO BaseTable (column5, department1Id, department2Id) @c5, @dep1Id, @dep2Id    
    fetch next from @curs into
    close @curs
    deallocate @curs

    My cursor syntax is probably riddled with errors, but you get the idea.