I would like to know if we can edit dynamically the config file.
Here is my example.
// config/system.php
return array(
'data1' => "content2",
I know that we can edit it by using the set() methode, but this methode doesn't edit the file.
example :
// get config file array
$config = Kohana::$config->load('system');
// set the new config .. but this function doesn't edit the file !
Any idea ?
Finally i did it myself, maybe this can help someone else too.
1 - Create APPPATH.'config/Group.php' and put this script.
<?php defined('SYSPATH') OR die('No direct script access.');
// Save this file at APPPATH.'config/Group.php'
// Extend the original Config_group
class Config_Group extends Kohana_Config_Group {
// This function allow us to save on the config file
public function save()
$filename = APPPATH.'config'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$this->group_name().".php";
// test if the config file is writable or not.
if (is_writable($filename))
// save the array into the config file and return true/false
return (file_put_contents($filename, "<?php defined('SYSPATH') or die('No direct script access.');".PHP_EOL
."return " . var_export($this->as_array(), true) . ";",LOCK_EX));
return FALSE;
How to use :
// get config file array
$config = Kohana::$config->load('system');
// set the new config .. but this function doesn't edit the file !
// Save the new file config.