How to get all the post types(not the posts) grouped by taxonomies? Is there any standard wordpress functions?
I want something like this
taxonomy_1 -> post_type_11, post_type_12, post_type_13, ....
taxonomy_2 -> post_type_21, post_type_22, ....
I have written a query to get the taxonomies and the attached post types as arrays
$query = "
SELECT taxonomy, GROUP_CONCAT( DISTINCT `post_type` SEPARATOR ',') AS `post_types`
FROM wp_term_taxonomy
JOIN wp_term_relationships ON wp_term_relationships.`term_taxonomy_id` = wp_term_taxonomy.`term_taxonomy_id`
JOIN wp_posts ON wp_term_relationships.`object_id` = wp_posts.`ID`
/* you can add other conditions here like - AND post_status = 'published' */
GROUP BY taxonomy
then I call this query
$global wpdb;
$post_types_by_taxonomies = $wpdb->get_results( $query, OBJECT_K );
now we can loop through the result array
foreach($post_types_by_taxonomies as $taxonomy => $post_types_as_string){
$post_types = explode(',', $post_types_as_string->post_types);
echo '<hr />';
echo $taxonomy;
echo '<br />';
echo '<br />';
foreach($post_types as $post_type){
echo $post_type;
echo '<br />';