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Compiling log4cplus using MinGW

I have: - OS: WIndows 7 - MinGW, gcc 4.8.0. - MSYS 7.2 - Dowloaded log4cplus-1.1.1 from it's website .

./configure - done well. But at "make" I receive error with message "undefined reference Mutex::Mutex(Mutex::type)". I searched for ctors for that class inside code, it can be found at:

  • log4cplus-1.1.1\include\log4cplus\thread\syncprims-pub-impl.h
  • log4cplus-1.1.1\include\log4cplus\thread\impl\syncprims-pthreads.h
  • log4cplus-1.1.1\include\log4cplus\thread\impl\syncprims-win32.h

But I don't know how to order comlier use any of them. I checked in MakeFile, they included as include files, I added to config.cxx define WIN32, that still don't work.

How to order my compiler compile log4cplus correctly?


  • Please try the patch attached to ticket #282. This should be fixed on 1.1.x branch already.