I have an XML file which I'm trying to transform into something more like CSV format (well some format which puts the output on a single line with a common delimiter), but I can't quite get the syntax right, can anyone help please? The XML looks like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Translation Key="Document1" RelativePath="/home/path1">
<Description>First document</Description>
<Translation Key="Document2" RelativePath="/home/path2">
<Description>Second document</Description>
And my command at present is this
xmlstarlet sel -t -m //Translation -v @Key -o "|" -v @RelativePath -n /root/XML/file.xml
But what I'd like is to also include the contents of the Title field, so that the output is like this
Can anyone help please? Thanks.
It's XPath:
xmlstarlet sel -t -m //Translation -v @Key -o "|" -v @RelativePath -v 'Title/text()' -n /root/XML/file.xml