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PEAR Mail script seems to hang and cannot debug it

I am having a very similar problem posed by this question, unfortunately the answers in that thread have not helped me.

Nothing seems to run after the $mail = Mail::factory('smtp', $params);.

None of the echo statements or the error checks after output anything, its as though when the script reaches the Mail::factory line the script just stops.

The script itself returns a HTTP 200, though the mail is not sent or any sent/not sent responses the script generates is returned.

I have tried uninstalling/re-installing the PEAR Mail, Net and Auth libraries and the problem still persists.

I also tried running the script on the server directly from the command line,

It's as though once the Mail::factory called is made the script stops processing anymore, no errors are returned so I have no clue where to start looking to get this fixed.

I have also run the script directly on the server through the PHP CLI: It outputs everything until the Mail::factory call and nothing after.

D:\Parallels\Additional\PleskPHP5>php phpmailcheck.php

PEAR is installed!

PEAR Mail is installed!

going to call Mail::factory


I have also checked the sites error logs and there are no errors reported.

UPDATE: I have tried adding the following just before the Mail::factory call: echo(Mail::factory('smtp', $params)); which from the pear mail documentation says it should return an object or an error message. the script seems to end on this line without echoing anything...

require_once "Mail.php";
if(class_exists('System')===true) {
    echo '<p>PEAR is installed!</p>';
} else {
    echo '<p>PEAR is not installed!</p>';
if(class_exists('Mail')===true) {
    echo '<p>PEAR Mail is installed!</p>';
} else {
    echo '<p>PEAR Mail is not installed!</p>';

//start mail
$from = "My Website <[email protected]>";
$to = "Website Owner <[email protected]>";
$subject = "Hi!";
$body = "Hi,\n\nHow are you?<br>This is a test email for pear";

$host = "";
$port = 25;
$username = "[email protected]";
$password = "password";

$params = array('host'=>$host,'port'=>$port,'auth'=>true,'username'=>$username,'password'=>$password);
$headers = array (
    'From' => $from,
    'To' => $to,
    'Subject' => $subject

echo('going to call Mail::factory'); //echos out correctly
$mail = Mail::factory('smtp', $params);

echo('just called Mail::factory'); // does not echo

//$mail = $smtp->send($to, $headers, $body);
if (PEAR::isError($mail)) {
  echo("<p>" . $mail->getMessage() . "</p>");
 } else {
  echo("<p>Message successfully sent!</p>");


  • First, check the exit status:

    $ php mailcheck.php; echo $?

    or on windows:

    $ php mailcheck.php
    $ echo Exit Code is %errorlevel%

    It will be > 0 if there was a fatal error within the php code.

    Then make sure you have display_errors on and error_reporting set to the correct level. If you don't, you won't see any output. If you have xdebug installed, enable xdebug.scream.

    Since you have exit code 255, there is something broken with your php files.

    First, use ini_set to set display_errors to 1 and error_reporting to E_ALL. Run the code again.

    If that does not hepl make sure the code is syntactically correct by running

    $ php -l path/to/file.php

    It will tell you when there is a syntax error. Do this for all files.