Can I use UART on MSP-EXP430F5529LP from Energia in order to communicate on pins p3.3 and p3.4 (rx and tx respectively)?
I already use UART in order to communicate with my PC via USB. To do so, I use Serial.println() and such. Now that one UART is taken, how do I configure and use second UART to go to these pins? Or would it be better to rewire my Bluetooth chip (BlueGiga wt32) to some other pins?
Configuration aside, Serial does not seem to allow for multiple UARTs. How does it know which UART to print to?
For some reason, I could not find any manual on interacting with wt32 from Energia, or on interacting with multiple UARTs on Energia.
Edit: found this link: only, incidentally, they say it does not work. Still, a lead.. but it is my understanding that I still have to configure UART on those two pins, if at all possible.
Edit2 Found MultiSerial example in Energia:
Multple serial test
Receives from the main serial port, sends to the others.
Receives from serial port 1, sends to the main serial (Serial 0).
The circuit:
* Any serial device attached to Serial port 1
* Serial monitor open on Serial port 0:
created 30 Dec. 2008
by Tom Igoe
This example code is in the public domain.
void setup() {
// initialize both serial ports:
void loop() {
// read from port 1, send to port 0:
if (Serial1.available()) {
int inByte =;
Now, this may sound like a really noob question, but where is my Serial1?? Is it somewhere on my pinout? The corresponding page in Energia manual is just a stub.
Now, this link: has a pinout according to which P1.1 is TXD, P1.2 is RXSD, which is something that I have not seen documented elsewhere. I suspect that it is assigned in this particular example, only I don't see the assignment in the code; also, I suspect that this is the backchannel, unless the switch is turned. Confused!
Edit3: found SoftwareSerial example that turns pins of your choice into a RX and TX. So at least I probably have a software solution. Of course, I'd prefer hardware. The manual for the launchboard says the hardware supports up to 4 serial ports, but how? Where are the pins?
Sorry I keep adding to this. I'll tidy it out when there is a solution.
If you dont need those uart pins to talk to the host you can remove the jumpers on that board that connect rxd and txd and then connect those to your bluetooth module.