I have a build that needs to zip a website project. I am using TfsBuildExtensions.Activities.Compression.Zip
to do this.
Unfortunately, it puts the deployed files into ..\_PublishedWebsites\ProjectName\
So, I have tried to play around with the RemoveRoot property, in the ZIP extension.
If I use the following value:
(New DirectoryInfo(BinariesDirectory & "\_PublishedWebsites")).FullName
my zip file contains the ProjectName folder and it then contains the website. Working as intended.
If I use the following value:
(New DirectoryInfo(BinariesDirectory & "\_PublishedWebsites")).GetDirectories().FirstOrDefault().FullName
my zip file contains the ENTIRE folder structure, from C:\Builds\..
. This is definitely not what I expected.
All I want, is that instead of having a folder in my zip, I want the deployed files directly in the zip files root.
How do I do this?
Web Deploy should be your first choice for packaging web sites. It has a built-in option for zipping the artifacts so you don't need any third-party libraries for this.