I am using ECSlidingViewController
for "hamburger" menu. I am using SDK 7.0 but I changed deployment target to iOS 6.1 and now I am trying my app with older iOS then 7. The problem is with setEdgesForExtendedLayout
. There is older ECSlidingViewController
for older system versions. So my question is how can I change to use old version for iOS 6.1 and older and newer version for iOS 7.0 and newer. I include files from both ECSlidingViewController
projects (not by cocoapods but if it is need then it's not problem to change it). I guess I need check for OS version and then change imports but I am not sure if it is enough and what's best name convention for both project. I guess they should be in different folders (like ECSlidingViewController and ECSlidingViewControllerOld) but class should be same name, is it right?
Edit: Example of code with edgesForExtendedLayout
- (CGRect)underLeftViewCalculatedFrameForTopViewPosition:(ECSlidingViewControllerTopViewPosition)position {
CGRect frameFromDelegate = [self frameFromDelegateForViewController:self.underLeftViewController
if (!CGRectIsInfinite(frameFromDelegate)) return frameFromDelegate;
CGRect containerViewFrame = self.view.bounds;
if (!(self.underLeftViewController.edgesForExtendedLayout & UIRectEdgeTop)) {
CGFloat topLayoutGuideLength = [self.topLayoutGuide length];
containerViewFrame.origin.y = topLayoutGuideLength;
containerViewFrame.size.height -= topLayoutGuideLength;
if (!(self.underLeftViewController.edgesForExtendedLayout & UIRectEdgeBottom)) {
CGFloat bottomLayoutGuideLength = [self.bottomLayoutGuide length];
containerViewFrame.size.height -= bottomLayoutGuideLength;
if (!(self.underLeftViewController.edgesForExtendedLayout & UIRectEdgeRight)) {
containerViewFrame.size.width = self.anchorRightRevealAmount;
return containerViewFrame;
I am not a fan of including duplicate versions of libraries, as this creates a big problem with naming, and a lot of work to refactor all old classes to have some *-OLD
suffix. Since you have access to the source, you can modify the newer version like so:
if(NSFoundationVersionNumber > NSFoundationVersionNumber_iOS_6_1)
[vc setEdgesForExtendedLayout:UIRectEdgeNone];
//Any other iOS7-specific code.