I would like to restrict a query using the QueryOver mechanism in Fluent Nhibernat. I found that I can do this using WhereRestrictOn but there seems to be no possibility to compare to just one value. A IsEqual method of sorts.
I quick example might explain better what my issue is
class Parent{
IList<Child1> C1 {get;set;}
IList<Child2> C2 {get;set;}
class Child1{
int Id {get;set;}
class Child2{
int Id {get;set;}
//What I can do
var result = session.QueryOver<Parent>()
.WhereRestrictionOn(x => x.C1.Id).IsIn(new[]{3})
.AndRestrictionOn(x => x.C2.Id).IsIn(new[]{5}).List();
//What I would like to do
var result = session.QueryOver<Parent>()
.WhereRestrictionOn(x => x.C1.Id).IsEqual(3)
.AndRestrictionOn(x => x.C2.Id).IsEqual(5).List();
So basically my issue is that I'm not able to compare with one value but always have to artifically create an array. Is this not possible or am I missing something?
If it is possible please tell me how. If it is not possible I would appreciate an explantion as to why not.
Thanks in advance.
Try this:
Child1 c1Alias = null;
Child2 c2Alias = null;
var result = session.QueryOver<Parent>()
.InnerJoin(x => x.C1, () => c1Alias) // or use Left.JoinAlias
.InnerJoin(x => x.C2, () => c2Alias) // or use Left.JoinAlias
.Where(() => c1Alias.Id == 3)
.And(() => c2Alias.Id == 2)