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DevArt dotConnect for PostgreSQL Entity Framework execute function without import not populating class properties

I have following POCO class against database table

public class Contact
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public bool Checked { get; set; }
    public string Mobile { get; set; }
    public string Email { get; set; }

A function in PostgreSQL database

  RETURNS TABLE(id integer, name character varying, Checked boolean, Mobile character varying, Email character varying) AS
    RETURN QUERY select, temp1.Name, temp1.Checked, temp1.Mobile, temp1.Email from temp1;

Defined a generic function to call PostgreSQL function and get back data

public static List<T> ExecuteProc<T>(string procname, params PgSqlParameter[] param)
    List<T> list;
    string paranames = string.Empty;
    foreach (PgSqlParameter p in param)
    if (paranames != string.Empty)
        paranames += ", ";
    paranames = paranames + "?";

    using (var context  = new EntityContext())
    list = context.Database.SqlQuery<T>("select " + procname + "(" + paranames + ")", param).ToList<T>();
    return list;

Calling above function in Controller

public ActionResult ProcTest()
    List<Contact> contacts = DAL.ExecuteProc<Contact>("test_proc_pg");
    return View(contacts);

Function is executing and returning List<Contact> but all the fields in class are null.

    Checked: false
    Email: null
    Id: 0
    Mobile: null
    Name: null

However if i use SQL Server/SqlClient and call proc similarly it is populating all fields. Here is similar function written for SQL Server

public static List<T> ExecuteProc<T>(string procname, params SqlParameter[] param)
        List<T> list;
        string paranames = string.Empty;
        foreach (SqlParameter p in param)
            if (paranames != string.Empty)
                paranames += ", ";
            paranames = paranames + "@" + p.ParameterName;

        using (var context = new SSContext())
            list = context.Database.SqlQuery<T>("exec " + procname + " " + paranames, param).ToList<T>();
        return list;

When i call it from controller it gives class with all fields populated

public ActionResult ProcTest()
        List<Contact> contacts = DAL.ExecuteProc<Contact>("test_proc_ss");
        return View(contacts);

Here is result from SQL Server

    Checked: false
    Email: "[email protected]"
    Id: 1
    Mobile: "1234567890"
    Name: "samtech"

What the wrong i am doing with dotConnect PostgreSQL?

I am using EF6 with latest trial version of dotConnect for PostgreSQL. I do not want to import functions.

Can someone help?


  • We have answered to you at our forum:


    Please change this code

    list = context.Database.SqlQuery<T>("select " + procname + "(" + paranames + ")", param).ToList<T>();

    with this:

    list = context.Database.SqlQuery<T>("select * from " + procname + "(" + paranames + ")", param).ToList<T>();

    This is related to the peculiarity of working with the PostgreSQL stored procedures. In case of "select test_proc_ss" the PostgreSQL record is returned. It is necessary to disclose the query, so that all columns are returned and EF could materialize the corresponding objects.