I'm trying to run a command that might fail sometimes. When it fails, it throws an exception.
What I'd like it to do is just log the error quietly and continue executing the next line below it, rather than aborting and going into the 'rescue' block. How should I approach this?
My current code is as follows:
rescue_from 'Gibbon::MailChimpError' do |exception|
logger.error("MAILCHIMP: #{exception}")
When I call the Mailchimp API, sometimes there is an error, and this disrupts the flow of my application. I just want it to carry on executing as if nothing has happened, and just note there was an error in the log.
How about something like this:
def rescuing(&block)
rescue NameError => e
puts "(Just rescued: #{e.inspect})"
rescuing do
puts "This is dangerous"
raise NameError
puts "... but I'm still alive"
Obviously, you'd have to replace NameError
with the exception you want to be protected against.