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Copy list of values from textbox in UserForm into Excel sheet

I have a UserForm (frm10) with two text boxes (txt11 and txt12). Both text boxes contain a list of values.

Is there a way I can copy the values from these boxes in the underlying sheet (Sheet1) so that each value appears in a separate cell ? I would need all values from txt11 appear in column A of my sheet and all values from txt12 in column B of the same sheet.

Many thanks for any help with this, Tim.


  • It depends on your delimiter but something like the below would work, with a little tidy up (I haven't worked with UserForms for long time but the approach will be the same), you'll just need to adapt to handle both, change destination start etc:

    Edited so you can set the delimiter

    'If you value list is separated by comma
    Dim x As Integer, y As Integer
    Dim str1 as String, strDelim as String
    Dim sh As Worksheet
    Dim c As Range
    str1 = txt11 '(can't recall how you allocate from userform to variable...)
    strDelim = Chr(10) ' chr(10) is new line feed, you may need to test what the 
        ' delimiter is, it could be chr(13) (carriage return)
    ' Add trailing comma so captures last value
    If Right(str1, 1) <> strDelim  Then
        str1 = str1 & strDelim 
    End If
    ' Set sheet and destination for values to start
    Set sh = Worksheets("Sheet1")
    Set c = sh.Range("A1")
    ' Set initial x and y
    x = InStr(str1, strDelim)
    y = 1
    ' Check at least 1 comma and that value was entered
    If x = 0 Then
        If Len(str1) > 0 Then
            c.Value = str1
        End If
    End If
    ' Loop through commas, paste value in cell and offset destination
    Do Until x = 0
        c.Value = Mid(str1, y, x - y)
        y = x + 1
        x = InStr(y, str1, strDelim)
        Set c = c.Offset(1, 0)
    Set c = Nothing
    Set sh = Nothing

    If the delimiter depends on how they enter a new line then you could replace so they are all the same

    str1 = Replace(str1,chr(13),chr(10))

    And then use chr(10) as the delimeter