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Destroy Tooltip jquerytools

Ok i have this code where i set $tooltip for 3 different items, wich just $tooltip is refreshed using ajax.. Works great, but after refresh in ajax i have to run


This is a problem cause after this ajax call, the $tooltip2 and $tooltip3 are lost, =(. Ive also tried this:

$tooltip = $('.tooltip').remove();

But im wrong obviously.

Here is the code where i set $tooltip

var $tooltip = null;
    var $tooltip2 = null;
var $tooltip3 = null;
    function ttp() {

    $tooltip = $('.marcleidnot[title]').tooltip({
    slideInSpeed: 300,
    slideOutSpeed: 300,
    bounce: false,
    /*bounce: false*/
    relative: false, // <-- Adding this should sort you out
    effect: 'slide',
    direction: 'down',
    /*slideInSpeed: 300,
    slideOutSpeed: 200,*/
    position: 'top center',
    offset: [-15, 0]


    $( document ).ready(function() {

$tooltip2 = $('.fav[title]').tooltip({  
    slideInSpeed: 200,
    slideOutSpeed: 200,
    /*bounce: false,*/
    relative: false, // <-- Adding this should sort you out
   effect: 'slide',
    direction: 'down',
    /*slideInSpeed: 300,
    slideOutSpeed: 200,*/
    position: 'top center',
    offset: [10, -2]

 $tooltip3 = $('.nofav[title]').tooltip({
    slideInSpeed: 200,
    slideOutSpeed: 200,
    /*bounce: true,*/
    relative: false, // <-- Adding this should sort you out
    effect: 'slide',
    direction: 'down',
    /*slideInSpeed: 300,
    slideOutSpeed: 200,*/
    position: 'top center',
    offset: [10, -2]


And the Ajax call

function notifications() {
                type: "POST",
                //data: dataparam,
                url: "<?php echo $notifurl;?>",
                success: function(msg)
                        if(msg !="")

        $tooltip = $('.tooltip').remove();


    $tooltip = $('.tooltip').remove();



After the answer i edit and do

function destroyTooltips($targets) { 

var $destroyThis = $('.marcleidnot[title]');

function notifications() {
                type: "POST",
                //data: dataparam,
                url: "<?php echo $notifurl;?>",
                success: function(msg)
                        if(msg !="")



The problem is now that the tooltip remain open forever, when the ajax call is made..

but now i am not losing $tooltip2, and $tooltip3

what am i doing wrong.


After the 2nd Great Answer full of details, is not recreating the tooltip why?

function notifications() {
                type: "POST",
                //data: dataparam,
                url: "<?php echo $notifurl;?>",
                success: function(msg)
                        if(msg !="")

            // If you update the title of the tooltip, it will be init correctly.
            $tooltip.attr('title', msg);

            initTooltip($tooltip, {
                delay        : 100,
                slideInSpeed : 300,
                slideOutSpeed: 300,
                bounce       : false,
                offset       : [-15, 0]

            // If you update the title of the tooltip, it will be init correctly.
            $tooltip.attr('title', msg);

            initTooltip($tooltip, {
                delay        : 100,
                slideInSpeed : 300,
                slideOutSpeed: 300,
                bounce       : false,
                offset       : [-15, 0]


  • First prepare the variables for each tooltip.

    var $tooltip  = null;
    var $tooltip2 = null;
    var $tooltip3 = null;

    Create a function to initialize a tooltip.

    function initTooltip($theTooltip, theOptions) {
        var defaultOptions = {
            delay         : 50,
            slideInSpeed  : 200,
            slideOutSpeed : 200,
            relative      : false,
            effect        : 'slide',
            direction     : 'down',
            position      : 'top center',
            offset        : [-15, 0]
        if (typeof theOptions != 'undefined') {
            theOptions = $.extend({}, defaultOptions, theOptions);
        } else {
            theOptions = defaultOptions;

    In the document ready event, first look up the tooltips in the DOM and then initialize each one separately.

    $(document).ready(function() {
        $tooltip  = $('.marcleidnot[title]');
        $tooltip2 = $('.fav[title]');
        $tooltip3 = $('.nofav[title]');
        initTooltip($tooltip, {
            delay        : 100,
            slideInSpeed : 300,
            slideOutSpeed: 300,
            bounce       : false,
            offset       : [-15, 0]

    When the AJAX call finishes, just destroy the specific tooltip and then recreate it.

    function notifications() {
            type: "POST",
            url: "<?php echo $notifurl;?>",
            success: function(msg) {
                // Hide and destroy the old tooltip before you replace the HTML.
                // Replace the old HTML with the new HTML.
                // Update the variable for the replaced tooltip.
                $tooltip = $('.marcleidnot[title]');
                // Init the tooltip again.
                initTooltip($tooltip, {
                    delay        : 100,
                    slideInSpeed : 300,
                    slideOutSpeed: 300,
                    bounce       : false,
                    offset       : [-15, 0]