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Is it OK to override UIViewController methods on a category on UITableViewController

I know you should not override methods in a category that are defined in the class the category is for. But what about overriding inherited methods. Is that OK?

Specifically, UITableViewController inherits methods like viewWillAppear:, viewWillDisappear, viewDidLoad: and so on, from UIViewController.

So, let's say in a category on UITableViewController, we override those methods inherited from UIViewController.

Is it OK?

As far as I can tell, this will only break if Apple in some future version of UIKit decides to override these methods in UITableViewController.

Are there other reasons not to do this?


So the part about overriding methods in categories in the documentation passed under my radar, so thanks for the answer.

I'll have to solve this with subclassing and possibly extensions.


  • Overriding methods in a category is discouraged. See Overriding methods using categories in Objective-C

    In my opinion it doesn't matter if this means overriding an inherited or class-defined method. Why should it make a difference? Why not subclass?