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How to use \b word boundary in pandas str.contains?

Is there an equivalent when using pandas str.contains()?

The following code is mistakenly listing "Said Business School" in the category because of 'Sa.' If I could create a wordboundary it would solve the problem. Putting a space after messes this up. df is a pandas dataframe. I know I can use regex, but just curious if I can use strings to make it faster

gprivate_n = ('Co|Inc|Llc|Group|Ltd|Corp|Plc|Sa |Insurance|Ag|As|Media|&|Corporation')
df.loc[df[df.Name.str.contains('{0}'.format(gprivate_n))].index, "Private"] = 1 


  • A word boundary is not a character, so you can't find it with .contains. You need to either use regex or split the strings into words and then check for membership of each of those words in the set you currently have defined in gprivate_n.