I am creating a TFS tool that will get "changeset information" from the TFS server.
Now, I want to provide a "TFS Browser" so that the user can browse what "branch/folder" he wants to fetch information from.
I am using a TreeView control and the GetItems function to get the items' path from TFS:
private void treeView1_BeforeExpand(object sender, TreeViewCancelEventArgs e)
RecursionType recursion = RecursionType.OneLevel;
Item[] items = null;
// Get the latest version of the information for the items.
ItemSet itemSet = sourceControl.GetItems(e.Node.Tag.ToString(), recursion);
items = itemSet.Items;
foreach (Item item in items)
if (item.ServerItem == e.Node.Tag.ToString()) //Skip self
string filename = Path.GetFileName(item.ServerItem);
if (Path.GetExtension(filename) == "")
TreeNode node = new TreeNode(filename, new TreeNode[] { new TreeNode() });
node.Tag = item.ServerItem;
The code below demonstrates that after clicking the "expand" button from a node, the app will "query" the items that are below the current "branch" (e).
However, I don't want to include files to the browser. As a quick and dirty check, I am checking if the "path" has an extension and if not, assume that it is a directory and show it. All was good until I discovered that we have a folder named "v1.1".
There is a solution. I can re-invoke GetItems and check its content. According to MSDN:
If the path argument is a file, returns a set of Items that contain just that file. If the path is a folder, returns a set of Items that contain all items in that folder. If the path contains a wildcard character, returns a set of Items in the specified folder that match the wildcard.
However, each call to GetItems take roughly a second and if a folder contains multiple files, the "expansion" of the node takes forever.
So, is there a way to just get all the "folders" from TFS? Or any other idea how to check if a path is a folder or a file?
It seems that there is a member called .ItemType for Item. You can check against that.