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Loading library with dependency with QLibrary

Suppose I have two libraries, A.dll and B.dll. The library A depends on B. I want to load A into my project.

My project is in C:/Project. If I keep both A.dll and B.dll in C:/Project, I can load A with:

QLibrary lib("A"); 

This works fine. load() will return false if B.dll isn't in C:/Project, though.

The problem is I want to keep both A.dll and B.dll in C:/Project/lib. But when I move both libs to that location and try to load:

QLibrary lib("C:/Project/lib/A");

It fails. But this works if I keep A.dll in C:/Project/lib and B.dll in C:/Project.

How can I keep both libs in C:/Project/liband have A.dll load successfully?

Edit: the error message I get is "Cannot load library C:/Project/lib/A . The specified module could not be found."


  • Try using SetDllDirectory, see