Say I need some very special multiplication operator. It may be implemented in following macro:
macro @<<!(op1, op2)
<[ ( $op1 * $op2 ) ]>
And I can use it like
def val = 2 <<! 3
And its work.
But what I really want is some 'english'-like operator for the DSL Im developing now:
macro @multiply(op1, op2)
<[ ( $op1 * $op2 ) ]>
and if I try to use it like
def val = 2 multiply 3
compiler fails with 'expected ;' error
What is the problem? How can I implement this infix-format macro?
Straight from the compiler source code:
namespace Nemerle.English
[assembly: Nemerle.Internal.OperatorAttribute ("Nemerle.English", "and", false, 160, 161)]
[assembly: Nemerle.Internal.OperatorAttribute ("Nemerle.English", "or", false, 150, 151)]
[assembly: Nemerle.Internal.OperatorAttribute ("Nemerle.English", "not", true, 181, 180)]
macro @and (e1, e2) {
<[ $e1 && $e2 ]>
macro @or (e1, e2) {
<[ $e1 || $e2 ]>
macro @not (e) {
<[ ! $e ]>
You need to sprinkle OperatorAttributes around and it will work. Btw, OperatorAttribute is defined as follows:
public class OperatorAttribute : NemerleAttribute
public mutable env : string;
public mutable name : string;
public mutable IsUnary : bool;
public mutable left : int;
public mutable right : int;