I have a stored procedure which starts by creating a temp table, then it populates the temp table based on a query.
It then does a Merge
statement, basically updating a physical table off of the temp table. Lastly it does an Update
on the physical table. Pretty basic stuff.
It takes ~8 sec to run. My question is, at what point does it lock the physical table? Since the whole query is compiled prior to its run, is the physical table locked during the entire execution of the stored procedure, or does it wait until it gets to the statements that actually works with the physical table?
I'm not necessarily trying to resolve an issue, as much as make sure I don't cause one. We have other processes that need to be reworked to alleviate blocking, I don't want to create another.
OK, for SQL Server:
a stored procedure is "compiled" (e.g. an execution plan is determined) before it's first usage (and that execution plan is cached in the plan cache until it's either tossed out due to space constraints, or due to a restart). At the time an execution plan is determined, nothing happens on the table level - no locks, nothing
SQL Server will by default use row-level locks, e.g. a row is locked when it's read, inserted, updated or deleted - then and only then. So your procedure will place shared locks on the tables where it selects the data from to insert those rows into the temp table, it will put exclusive locks on the rows being inserted into the temp table (for the duration of the operation / transaction), and the MERGE
will also place locks as and when needed
Most locks (not the shared locks, typically) in SQL Server are by default held until the end of the transaction. Unless you specifically handle transactions explicitly, each operation (MERGE
) runs inside its own implicit transaction, so any locks held will be released at the end of that transaction (e.g. that statement).
There are lots more aspects to locks - one could write entire books to cover all the details - but does this help you understand locking in SQL Server at least a little bit ?