Apologies if this has been answered before, but I am unable to find an applicable example.
I am trying to detrend some data for variogram analysis.
I have a dataframe 'aa' with columns 'y' 'long' 'lat' and 'z'.
I am trying to run:
loess(aa2$y ~ aa$long + aa$lat, aa, degree =2)
on each level of factor z.
In the end, I need a dataframe of 'Long' 'Lat' 'Residual' and 'Z', residuals coming from the multiple facor-specific loess objects.
Given my limited knowledge of R, I cannot figure out the proper syntax to make this happen.
I am assuming one of the *apply functions could be used but I don't know the language well enough to write it properly.
Thank you for any guidance or clarification.
Like this?
aa <- data.frame(y=rnorm(100),long=rnorm(100),lat=rnorm(100),Z=rep(1:4, each=25))
result <- do.call(rbind,lapply(unique(aa$Z),function(z){
df <- aa[aa$Z==z,]
fit <- loess(y~long+lat,df,degree=2)
# Z long lat residuals
# 1 1 0.9622113 0.03114804 -0.2189496
# 2 1 -0.6539525 0.32908716 1.3904483
# 3 1 1.0066978 -0.78833830 0.1044707
# 4 1 -1.0873116 -0.55218226 1.8526030
# 5 1 -1.1286776 1.68879949 0.2459814
# 6 1 -1.0052768 -0.85890027 -0.9842824