For technical reasons, I don't want to use .htaccess
to remove index.php from URL in CodeIgniter. I have seen the route section. I also tried with a route like this:
$route['(:any)'] = 'index.php/$1';
But it is not working.
Is it possible to remove index.php
using the router in CodeIgniter?
Is it possible to remove index.php without using .htaccess?
No. it is something beyond php or codeigniter, its a server thing.
What happens when user try to go to localhost/codeigniter/welcome/index
MVC basically hide all your php files inside its folders. and present only one way for any user to interact with your code through index.php
what happen is
this is plain simple what all MVC frameworks do, hide your code and use a single front file to handle all requests and redirect them using a router class.
so if you want to hide
index.php then you need to find a way to tell your server to simply redirect any call to index.php.
index.php is the access door for your website, and your server need to know that all requests must be sent to it. some way or another, and thats why index.php/ must exisit in ur url or use some server configuration to redirect calls to it. but it is always loaded