I've encountered a problem using LocaleMiddleware in django 1.6. It does not add extra slash event if settings.APPEND_SLASH is set to True. The text error text is:
Request Method: GET Request URL: http://pollina.ru/ua/add Django Version: 1.6.2 Exception Type: DoesNotExist Exception Value: Poll matching query does not exist. Exception Location: /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/django/db/models/query.py
in get, line 307
As far as I understand the django engine does not event reach the LocaleMiddleware that appends slash to url. my urlconf looks like this
urlpatterns = i18n_patterns('',
url(r'^add/$', PollCreator.as_view(),name="addpoll"),
So how can I make django engine reach the LocaleMiddleware and make it rewrite url by appending extra slash to my url
The question is closed. The problem was that other regexps that were defined after the:
url(r'^add/$', PollCreator.as_view(),name="addpoll"),
matched that url but did not respond properly