I'm learning Rust, and I'm somewhat stumped.
I'm trying to give the user the option of writing output to stdout or to a supplied filename.
I started with the example code that's given for using extra::getopts
located here. From there, in the do_work
function, I'm trying to do this:
use std::io::stdio::stdout;
use std::io::buffered::BufferedWriter;
fn do_work( input: &str, out: Option<~str> ) {
println!( "Input: {}", input );
println!( "Output: {}", match out {
Some(x) => x,
None => ~"Using stdout"
} );
let out_writer = BufferedWriter::new( match out {
// I know that unwrap is frowned upon,
// but for now I don't want to deal with the Option.
Some(x) => File::create( &Path::new( x ) ).unwrap(),
None => stdout()
} );
out_writer.write( bytes!( "Test output\n" ) );
But it outputs the following error:
test.rs:25:43: 28:6 error: match arms have incompatible types: expected `std::io::fs::File` but found `std::io::stdio::StdWriter` (expected struct std::io::fs::File but found struct std::io::stdio::StdWriter)
test.rs:25 let out_writer = BufferedWriter::new( match out {
test.rs:26 Some(x) => File::create( &Path::new( x ) ).unwrap(),
test.rs:27 None => stdout()
test.rs:28 } );
test.rs:25:22: 25:41 error: failed to find an implementation of trait std::io::Writer for [type error]
test.rs:25 let out_writer = BufferedWriter::new( match out {
But I don't understand what the issue is because both File
and StdWriter
implement the Writer
Trait. Can someone explain what I'm doing wrong?
Yes, both implement Write
, but the problem is BufWriter
is expecting a type T
that implements Writer
, and that T
can't be File
and Stdout
at the same time.
You must cast both to the common type (either Box<dyn Write>
or &dyn Write
, but since you cannot return references you have to use Box
fn do_work(input: &str, out: Option<String>) {
let mut out_writer: Box<dyn Write> = BufWriter::new(match out {
Some(ref x) => Box::new(File::create(&Path::new(x)).unwrap()),
None => Box::new(stdout()),
out_writer.write(b"Test output\n").unwrap();
You should also handle errors properly, not just using unwrap
(used in example for simplicity).