Is it possible to merge two hashes like so:
%one = {
name => 'a',
address => 'b'
%two = {
testval => 'hello',
newval => 'bye'
$one{location} = %two;
so the end hash looks like this:
%one = {
name => 'a',
address => 'b',
location => {
testval => 'hello',
newval => 'bye'
I've had a look but unsure if this can be done without a for loop. Thanks :)
One can't store a hash in a hash since the values of hash elements are scalars, but one can store a reference to a hash. (Same goes for storing arrays and storing into arrays.)
my %one = (
name => 'a',
address => 'b',
my %two = (
testval => 'hello',
newval => 'bye',
$one{location} = \%two;
is the same as
my %one = (
name => 'a',
address => 'b',
location => {
testval => 'hello',
newval => 'bye',