I have a project with Visual Source Safe (VSS) and I need to append lines to a ".sql" file. I am trying to use the obvious code:
using (StreamWriter sw = File.AppendText(lblSourceFile.Text))
sw.WriteLine("text here");
But I am getting "File Access" error because the file is not checked out in the VSS. Is there a way to programmaticlly check-out the file for edit and check it back in when finish ? All links I found are using VSSDatabaseClass, and I don't how to add reference for SourceSafetypelib dll and use VSSDatabaseClass...
Thanks to Rachel for the ssapi.dll file. Here is the code that worked for my:
using SourceSafeTypeLib;
VSSDatabaseClass vssDatabase = new VSSDatabaseClass();
vssDatabase.Open("VSS database path", "userName", "password");
VSSItem item = vssDatabase.get_VSSItem("file path as shown in vss", false);
item.Checkout("Comments", item.LocalSpec, 0);
using (StreamWriter sw = File.AppendText(lblSourceFile.Text))
item.Checkin("Comments", item.LocalSpec, 0);