I am trying to implement lift state machine following lift-in-action book using lift 2.5 and scala 2.10
import net.liftweb.common.{Loggable,Full,Empty}
import net.liftweb.machine.{ProtoStateMachine,MetaProtoStateMachine}
import net.liftweb.mapper.MappedLongForeignKey
import net.liftweb.util.Helpers._
object AuctionStates extends Enumeration {
val Initial, Active, Expired = Value
object AuctionMachine extends AuctionMachine with MetaProtoStateMachine[AuctionMachine, AuctionStates.type ]{
class AuctionMachine extends ProtoStateMachine[AuctionMachine, AuctionStates.type]{
def getSingleton = AuctionMachine
however I am getting this error error:
net.liftweb.machine.MetaProtoStateMachine does not take type parameters
[INFO] object AuctionMachine extends AuctionMachine with MetaProtoStateMachine[AuctionMachine, AuctionStates.type]
The code was moved out of Lift proper into a Lift module in 2012. You can find more info on how to properly reference it here: https://github.com/liftmodules/machine