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How to expand environment variables with substitutions?


We are using environment variables like %logonserver% and %userdomain% in our .NET application's configuration files, to support configuration freedom to application managers. When parsing the configuration file a call to Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables resolves the actual value.


However it seems it can not expand environment variables with substitutions like:

  • %logonserver:~2% (skips the first two characters)
  • %logonserver:\\=% (replaces the backslashes with an empty string)

When I call Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables("%logonserver:~2%") the method just returns the same string: %logonserver:~2%, instead of the expanded and substituted variable like a command line call would: echo %logonserver:~2%.


  1. Is there anything I'm doing wrong?
  2. What's an alternative to accomplish this goal in .net?

Thanks in advance.


    1. You make nothing wrong. All the stuff after the colon : is a special feature of the command shell that won't be mimic by .Net or the Win32 API (simply check this code).

    2. There are two possibilities:

      • Take the string till the :, add a percent sign % and give this to ExpandEnvironmentVariables(). Then write your own parser to apply the needed actions after the colon : to be done on the returned string to mimic the behavior of the console.

      • Start a process with a hidden console window, take its output and input streams and send your environments variables with echo commands to it and let the parsing be done by the console.