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Using a variable to access hash keys in Template Toolkit

I have an array whose contents is

$VAR1 = {
'1' => 'May 05, 2011',
'0' => 'Jul 22, 2009',
'2' => 'Jun 13, 2012'

I am trying to display it in the catalyst template, the code is

[% x = 0 %]
[% FOREACH mortgage IN mortgages %]

<table width=40% border=1 cellspacing="0" cellpadding="10">
        <td><b>[% dateformat.x %]</b></td>
[% x = x+1 %]
[% END %]

The dateformat.x should display May 05, 2011 or Jul 22, 2009 or Jun 13, 2012 according to the value of x but the error is that it displays nothing. It shows a blank .

The error I think is that the key in the array is a string while the value of x that is used with the dateformat is numeric. If I add 0 or 1 with the dateformat then it displays correctly([% dateformat.0 %]).


  • [% dateformat.x %] looks in the dateformat hash for a key of x. To tell template toolkit that x is a variable, prefix it with $:

    [% dateformat.$x %]

    To access a hash entry using a key stored in another variable, prefix the key variable with '$' to have it interpolated before use (see Variable Interpolation).