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HTML encode user input when storing or when displaying

Simple question that keeps bugging me.

Should I HTML encode user input right away and store the encoded contents in the database, or should I store the raw values and HTML encode when displaying?

Storing encoded data greatly reduces the risk of a developer forgetting to encode the data when it's being displayed. However, storing the encoded data will make datamining somewhat more cumbersome and it will take up a bit more space, even though that's usually a non-issue.


  • i'd strongly suggest encoding information on the way out. storing raw data in the database is useful if you wish to change the way it's viewed at a certain point. the flow should be something similar to:

    sanitize user input -> protect against sql injection -> db -> encode for display

    think about a situation where you might want to display the information as an RSS feed instead. having to redo any HTML specific encoding before you re-display seems a bit silly. any development should always follow the "don't trust input" meme, whether that input is from a user or from the database.