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Android : SharedPreferences in BroadcastReceiver RadioButton's integer value do not update?

I have Activity to change the radioButton.

in oncreate Method

     sharedPreferences = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(this);
     radioGroup = (RadioGroup)findViewById(;

Implement the overridden method and get the Radiobutton save the sharedpreference

 RadioGroup.OnCheckedChangeListener radioGroupOnCheckedChangeListener =
          new RadioGroup.OnCheckedChangeListener(){

        public void onCheckedChanged(RadioGroup group, int checkedId) {

         RadioButton checkedRadioButton = (RadioButton)radioGroup.findViewById(checkedId);
         int checkedIndex = radioGroup.indexOfChild(checkedRadioButton);

         Log.e("Chenge", String.valueOf(checkedIndex)); // here the get proper value of checkdIndex  

Implement the sharePreference method...

private void savePreferences(String key, int data) {

    SharedPreferences.Editor editor = sharedPreferences.edit();     
    editor.putInt(key, data);               
    Log.e("Chengeinside", String.valueOf(value));// Here also get the proper value of the data..

now when the Receive the AlarmReceiver extend BroadcastReceiver

public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub      

    SharedPreferences sharedPreferences =         

    TypeToggleValue = sharedPreferences.getInt(RemainderType_Toggle, 0);

        Log.e("AppToggleValue", String.valueOf(TypeToggleValue));// here when first  time run the application get the proper value but change the value and secound time get the value its does not updated


I am also maintain the AndroidMainifest.xml file


The issue is in onReceive.. the first time the "checkedIndex" field is correct. The second time, if checkedIndex is updated when radioButton change , however, it returns the first value. The value does not seem to get updated...


  • Here AndroidMainifest.xml in the file change the receiver value...
