When using uiautomator to test Android application UI behavior, it's instructed to ensure that UI is accessible. Ït is stated in documentation that "android:hint should be used instead of content description for EditText fields". (http://developer.android.com/tools/testing/testing_ui.html#accessibility)
Why is this? Is there some disadvantage if content description is also added?
When using only android:hint with android:inputType="textPassword", the EditText remains NAF (not accessible). But when adding contentDescription, the EditText is accessible.
Also, is resource-id an attribute that could be used to reference when using uiautomator to test UI?
Thanks in advance.
You can use both content-description and hint.
Resource id is also very useful in accessing elements which has been added since Android API Level 18.
It can be used as :
UiObject psswrd = new UiObject(new UiSelector().resourceId("com.example.abc:id/password"));