I have created sencha touch application and i want to try get the current location of android device using below code.
autoUpdate: true,
allowHighAccuracy: true,
listeners: {
locationupdate: function(geo) {
latlng1=new google.maps.LatLng(latitude, longitude);
In my device the gps icon will be blinking but Couldn't get the current location of device gps position.
It always get current location from my network provider.
I want frequently update current location from the device gps possition.
Like the google map app for android the gps icon is always stable, i want to like that in my application.
start your Device WI-FI and then try to load your app.
Because It will work for me to get the current location from gps.
I have face the same problem to get the current location from gps.
I am also add question for releated these problem See The Question.