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Mapping the order of PHP Methods and Functions - Dynamically

I would like to visualize where data is passed, from its start point to its end point. Is there a way to use php log to create list of where data has been passed?

If NO - Maybe you can offer me some advice.

The code below is for an activity feed. Data posted is passed into one function - placed into an array, and passed to the function below. From there the data is transferred to this class and I would like to understand what happens to it from there.

function bp_activity_add( $args = '' ) {

$defaults = array(
    'id'                => false, // Pass an existing activity ID to update an existing entry.

    'action'            => '',    // The activity action - e.g. "Jon Doe posted an update"
    'content'           => '',    // Optional: The content of the activity item e.g. "BuddyPress is awesome guys!"

    'component'         => false, // The name/ID of the component e.g. groups, profile, mycomponent
    'type'              => false, // The activity type e.g. activity_update, profile_updated
    'primary_link'      => '',    // Optional: The primary URL for this item in RSS feeds (defaults to activity permalink)

    'user_id'           => bp_loggedin_user_id(), // Optional: The user to record the activity for, can be false if this activity is not for a user.
    'item_id'           => false, // Optional: The ID of the specific item being recorded, e.g. a blog_id
    'secondary_item_id' => false, // Optional: A second ID used to further filter e.g. a comment_id
    'recorded_time'     => bp_core_current_time(), // The GMT time that this activity was recorded
    'hide_sitewide'     => false, // Should this be hidden on the sitewide activity stream?
    'is_spam'           => false, // Is this activity item to be marked as spam?
$params = wp_parse_args( $args, $defaults );
extract( $params, EXTR_SKIP );

// Make sure we are backwards compatible
if ( empty( $component ) && !empty( $component_name ) )
    $component = $component_name;

if ( empty( $type ) && !empty( $component_action ) )
    $type = $component_action;

// Setup activity to be added
$activity                    = new BP_Activity_Activity( $id );
$activity->user_id           = $user_id;
$activity->component         = $component;
$activity->type              = $type;
$activity->action            = $action;
$activity->content           = $content;
$activity->primary_link      = $primary_link;
$activity->item_id           = $item_id;
$activity->secondary_item_id = $secondary_item_id;
$activity->date_recorded     = $recorded_time;
$activity->hide_sitewide     = $hide_sitewide;
$activity->is_spam           = $is_spam;

if ( !$activity->save() )
    return false;

// If this is an activity comment, rebuild the tree
if ( 'activity_comment' == $activity->type )
    BP_Activity_Activity::rebuild_activity_comment_tree( $activity->item_id );

wp_cache_delete( 'bp_activity_sitewide_front', 'bp' );
do_action( 'bp_activity_add', $params );

return $activity->id;


  • You can use Xdebug stack trace but isn't going to get you the path of the variable but where the script has gone to get to that point.

    If you have Xdebug installed with a IDE like eclipse, you can walk through the script.