I have a problem with this code:
// Global Variables
var scrollSpeed = 50;
// set the default position
var current = 0;
// image height & rotation complete
var _ht, _finishNRot = false;
// set the direction
var direction = 'h';
// create hidden image element to grab height of it for calculation purpose
var url = $('body').css('background-image').replace(/^url\(["']?/, '').replace(/["']?\)$/, '');
var bgImage = $('<img />');
bgImage.hide().bind('load', function () { _ht = $(this).height(); });
bgImage.attr('src', url);
function bgscroll() {
// while rotation not completed
if (_finishNRot == false) { current -= 1; } else { current += 1; };
// -ve Rotation completed
if (-(current) == _ht) _finishNRot = true;
// +ve Rotation completed
if ((current) == 0) _finishNRot = false;
// move the background with backgrond-position css properties
$('body').css("backgroundPosition", (direction == 'h') ? current + "px 0" : "0 " + current + "px");
//Calls the scrolling function repeatedly
setInterval(bgscroll, scrollSpeed);
when I have screen resolutions like 1024 or 1480 the background image does not reach its final pixel (horizontally) or exceeds its final pixel (horizontally), how could I fix that? Here's an example online: http://www.ideas-web.net63.net/prueba/prueba.html
Add: // Global Variables
var size = window.outerWidth;
bgImage.hide().bind('load', function () { _ht = $(this).height(); });
bgImage.hide().bind('load', function () { _ht = $(this).width(); });
and change:
if (-(current) == _ht) _finishNRot = true;
if ((size-current) > _ht) _finishNRot = true;