You are given an array, say A[], of N elements, initially all of them are equal to negative infinity.
Now you are asked to perform two types of queries(Total M queries):
Type 1. Given two integers a and d you need to update the array A[] from index l to index r. What you need to do exactly is - for each index l+i (where 0<=i<=r-l) which contains some value say 'val' you need to update the value of that index with maximum of a+i*d and val, i.e, A[l+i] = max(A[l+i], a+i*d).
Type 2. Given an integer 'i', you need to report the value of A[i].
Example : let N = 5 and M = 4
initially A[] = {-inf, -inf, -inf, -inf, -inf}
query 1: l = 2, r = 4, a = 2, d = 3
new A[] = {-inf, 2, 5, 8, -inf}
query 2: i = 3
output = 5
query 3: l = 3, r = 5, a = 10, d = -6
new A[] = {-inf, 2, 10, 8, -2}
query 4: i = 5
output = -2
Note : value of N and M can be as large as 100000 so I am looking for better algorithms than O(N*M).
Think about the problem this way: You are managing a collection of piecewise linear functions fi(x) = ai x + bi (li <= x <= ri) subject to the following operations:
I see two possible approaches: