I use php function sscanf to parse string and extrac parameters.
This code :
sscanf($s, 'myparam1=%s&myparam2=%s', $s1, $s2);
var_dump($s1, $s2);
displays :
string(20) "hello&myparam2=world" NULL
but i would like string hello in $s1 and strin world in $s2.
Any help?
isn't an equivalent to \w
in regexp: it doesn't pick up only alphanumerics
sscanf($s, 'myparam1=%[^&]&myparam2=%s', $s1, $s2);
var_dump($s1, $s2);
but using parse_str() might be a better option for you in this case
parse_str($s, $sargs);
var_dump($sargs['myparam1'], $sargs['myparam2']);